Daily Devotionals

Daily Devotionals

Daily Devotional: Psalms 106:32-38

Ps 106:32-38

By the waters of Meribah they angered the Lord, and trouble came to Moses because of them; for they rebelled against the Spirit of God, and rash words came from Moses' lips. They did not destroy the peoples as the Lord had commanded them, but they mingled with the nations and adopted their customs. They worshipped their idols, which became a snare to them. They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons. They shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, and the land was desecrated by their blood.

2 Cor 10:12

For we are not bold to class or compare ourselves with some of those who commend themselves; but when they measure themselves by themselves, and compare themselves with themselves, they are without understanding.

He did it first! Everybody is doing it! I just followed the crowd. Most people are not willing to stand alone, no matter how much they know what is right and what is wrong. So many times, in the history of the Jews, they followed a bad leader into sin and were punished because of it. There would be a handful of people that would remain faithful, but most of them turned their backs on their God.

Before we get all high and mighty about this, if we were one of them, would we have been faithful or would we have followed the crowd too? One of the things that has impressed me in my studying of the Bible, is that basic human nature has not changed over the centuries. The influence of sin and the pressure to have the approval of everyone else is just as strong today as it was in the days of Moses. It is human nature to measure ourselves by ourselves (i.e., people by people).

Pray for wisdom. Study the word of God. Pray for wisdom. Reason with others who love the Lord. Pray for wisdom. Meditate and listen. Pray for strength. Then stand strong in the strength of the Lord. Dare to be like Joshua and Caleb who stood against the crowd when they refused to trust God. Trust God and his way.

O Lord God, our nation is filled with evil, wickedness, hatred, division, strife, and every kind of discord. Even though our leaders, many of our educators, the media and many others have done all they can to remove your name from our land, you are still in control, and I trust you to do what is right. Please be merciful to our nation and to the many who do trust you and want to follow you. Touch the hearts of our leaders that they will reverence your authority. Be with your people so that we can be strong and stand for what is right, even against the crowd. Lord, give your healing to those who are sick and your peace to those who are hurting and struggling. Thank you for those who are better. In Jesus name I pray.
