Daily Devotionals

Daily Devotionals

Daily Devotional: Psalms 106:19-23

Psalms 106:19-23

At Horeb they made a calf and worshiped an idol cast from metal. They exchanged their Glory for an image of a bull, which eats grass. They forgot the God who saved them, who had done great things in Egypt, miracles in the land of Ham and awesome deeds by the Red Sea. So, he said he would destroy them — had not Moses, his chosen one, stood in the breach before him to keep his wrath from destroying them.

Romans 1:21-24a

For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. Therefore, God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts

When God is not in the equation of life, there is no basis for morals. When God is left out of our thinking, there cannot be any absolute right or wrong. When God is removed from our minds, life has no purpose or meaning. Over the last several years there has been a concerted effort to remove God from everything in our society and our culture. Now the same people who have spearheaded this movement bemoan the results of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice.

Do let anyone fool you because every action has a reaction, and this is just as true when it comes to God and living for him as it is with gravity. God made mankind and he holds us all accountable for how we live our lives. When we ignore him, in spite of the abundant evidence of his creation, people go from bad to worse. He told us that refusing to acknowledge him as God would lead to people hating him, being insolent, arrogant, boastful, rejecting the authority of their parents, and being heartless and ruthless. This is the foolish wisdom of this world.

There is one, like Moses in many ways, who has intervened with God on the behalf of all mankind, Jesus the Son of God. He came and lived on earth as one of us and lived without sin of any kind. He then took the guilt of our sin upon himself when he died on the cross so that we can be made righteous in him. Praise God!

O Lord God, whenever I begin to consider you as God and ponder your greatness, I see just how small and powerless I really am. When I consider your wisdom in creation, I know that on my own, I am just a fool. As I look at the moral perfection of Jesus, I see how sinful I am and how that sin caused him to die. Lord, keep me from allowing anything in this world to become a god to me. Help me open my heart to your Spirit as he lives in me and molds me into the likeness of Jesus, more and more every day. Thank you for your grace. I pray in the name of Jesus.
