Daily Devotionals

Daily Devotionals

Daily Devotional: Psalms 89:19-24

Ps. 89:19-24

19 Once you spoke in a vision, to your faithful people you said: "I have bestowed strength on a warrior; I have exalted a young man from among the people. 20 I have found David my servant; with my sacred oil I have anointed him. 21 My hand will sustain him; surely my arm will strengthen him. 22 No enemy will subject him to tribute; no wicked man will oppress him. 23 I will crush his foes before him and strike down his adversaries. 24 My faithful love will be with him, and through my name his horn will be exalted.


Acts 13:25

22 After removing Saul, he made David their king. He testified concerning him: 'I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.'


God can take anyone and use them to carry out his plans for mankind. He chose Pharaoh who was wicked and stubborn and then by him showed his great power as he destroyed Egypt with the plagues. He chose Noah because he was righteous in a time when all others were evil. Out of all the people in the nation of Israel, God chose a young shepherd from the fields to be anointed the king.


While selecting David to be king, the prophet wanted to anoint his brothers but God told him that man looks on the outside but God looks at the heart. David was a man after God’s own heart, who from a lad to an old man, was determined to do his will. As we read his story, it is obvious his obedience was the result of his absolute trust in God. He trusted God to give him wisdom, to defend him against his enemies and he trusted God to carry out his will in his own time.


David, like each of us, had his times when he failed. He committed adultery with the wife of one of his most trusted men. When he found out she was going to have his child, he had his own man killed to hide his sin. One can only imagine the number of lies David must have told during the time he was trying to hide his sin from everyone else. But when he was confronted by the prophet and told that God knew what he had done, he did not deny it but confessed his sin. Even in all of this, his heart was really set on serving God. His joy came from serving God.


O Lord God, you are the one who can raise up and use anyone whom you choose, at any time you choose and in any place that fits your plans. Your ways and your plans are so far above me that I cannot know what you have in store for me today or any time in the future. Increase my faith each day so I will have a heart like David and seek to serve you all the time. When I fail, give me a heart that is willing to confess my sin and turn from it. Help me know the joy and peace that comes from serving you with a true heart. I pray in the name of Jesus my King.

