Daily Devotionals

Daily Devotionals

Daily Devotional: Psalms 109:26-31

Psalms 109:26-31

26 Help me, O LORD my God; save me in accordance with your love. 27 Let them know that it is your hand, that you, O LORD, have done it. 28 They may curse, but you will bless; when they attack they will be put to shame, but your servant will rejoice. 29 My accusers will be clothed with disgrace and wrapped in shame as in a cloak. 30 With my mouth I will greatly extol the LORD; in the great throng I will praise him. 31 For he stands at the right hand of the needy one, to save his life from those who condemn him.

One of the many things that distinguishes the one true God of heaven from the many gods of this world is love. This love of our God is not what the world thinks of when they hear about love. For many love is just another word for lust or sex and is only a temporary emotion. Thus we hear of those who “fall in” or “fall out of” love. There are others who consider love in the context of family as a mother loves her child or as brothers and sisters love each other.

While both of these are Greek terms translated as love in English, neither of these is the love shown by God. When the Bible says God loves us or that God is love, the word is one that does not just describe a feeling that is related to our circumstance or relationship at the moment. It is a word that says he is looking for our good and our best interest whether we love him, serve him or even recognize him as God. He loves us so much he gave his Son to die in our place and for our sin while we were sinners and even when we were his enemies. His love produces his mercy which in turn causes him to extend his grace to us.

So Paul asks the question of how can God who loves us and has done this for us, not now do all things for us as his children? In other words his love is boundless and forever sure. We never have to doubt (no matter what we are facing in life or what we are going through at the time) that God loves us.

Even when we fall into some terrible sin, he still loves us and wants us to repent so we can regain our fellowship with him and be with him in eternity. God is never “out to get us” but is always looking out for our best interest. Jesus is ever at the side of the Father interceding for us. This is our God of love.

Lord God almighty, thank you for loving me and for showing me how to love in return. Thank you for teaching me to love others, even as you love me. I am so thankful for your forgiveness and the ability to therefore forgive others as you have forgiven me. Empower me to have more determination, self-control and genuine commitment to be like you in every way. I ask your love on those who are sick and grieving today. Be with our country and give us leaders who will bring us closer to you. I pray in the name of Jesus our Savior and Lord. 
