Daily Devotionals

Daily Devotionals

Daily Devotional: Psalms 105:1-4

Ps 105:1-4

Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts. Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.

James 5:13

Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise.

Every part of the Christian life is based on faith – trusting in God as God and trusting in Jesus as the Savior. By faith we worship God as our Father and Jesus as our Lord. By faith we obey. By faith we serve. By faith we love others when we are mistreated. By faith we endure trials. By faith we pray and wait on an answer. By faith we live in hope. The gospel is based on faith from the beginning to the end.

The Apostle Paul said we are not to worry about anything, but we are to pray about everything – with thanksgiving. Even our thanksgiving is based on our faith because when good things happen, we believe it is God who did it for us. We pray and we see the answer (whether it is what we asked for or not) so we give thanks to God and praise Jesus as Lord. When we pray for the will of God to be done in our lives, we can give thanks before we see his answer because we know that he knows what is best for us and just what we need at that moment.

We all will die at some point (unless the Lord comes in our lifetime) and that will be the end of our existence on this earth. It will end our work, our relationships, and our trials, sorrows, sickness, and our pain. Our influence will continue, and memories will last, but we will be gone. Some see this as sad or depressing. For others it is a time of joy and fulfillment of anticipation of glory with the Lord.

Be thankful for the moment! – each moment all day long. Be thankful for the many things that God has put into our lives. Be thankful for our families and for our friends. Be thankful that we can help others with their struggles. Be thankful for the hardships that come because these make us stronger and teach us some of the most valuable lessons we can learn. Pray. Trust Jesus. Praise God. Be thankful.

O Lord God, giver of life, I thank you that you chose to let me be born to parents who loved you and who taught me to love you. I thank you for my wonderful wife and all she means to me. Thank you for giving her healing from her cancer. Thank you for my family, the love we share, and the joy they bring into my life. Thank you for the many opportunities you have given me to serve you by serving others. In losing some that I loved, you have taught me to trust you more, so I thank you, even for the sad times in my life. Thank you for Jesus in whose name I pray.
