Daily Devotionals

Daily Devotionals

Daily Devotional: Psalms 132:1-8

Ps 132:1-8

1 O LORD, remember David and all the hardships he endured. 2 He swore an oath to the LORD and made a vow to the Mighty one of Jacob: 3 "I will not enter my house or go to my bed--4 I will allow no sleep to my eyes, no slumber to my eyelids, 5 till I find a place for the LORD, a dwelling for the Mighty one of Jacob.” 6 We heard it in Ephrathah, we came upon it in the fields of Jaar: 7 "Let us go to his dwelling place; let us worship at his footstool--8 arise, O LORD, and come to your resting place, you and the ark of your might.

When we think of David we think of his kingship over Israel, we think of him killing Goliath the giant while still a young lad and we think of him being an example of faith toward God. David was not perfect. In fact, there are several things we know that he did that did not please God. He let his pride get in his way of serving God, he committed adultery, lied about it and then had her husband killed.

What then makes him such an example of faith for us? It was his devotion to God and to doing his will. When he made a promise to God, he kept it. When serving God became uncomfortable, he endured it. When it came down to being faithful or giving up his life, he was willing to die. But one of the things that really stands out is when he was confronted with his sin, he admitted it. He did not make excuses or blame anyone else.  He did not get angry at the person telling him he was wrong or try to get even. He admitted his sin, blamed himself and asked God to forgive him and deal with him in mercy.

Another trait of David was that he was always seeking what would lead to the glory of God. He was not trying to gain glory for himself. His personal interests always came second to God being glorified and his name exalted. Every battle he fought (whether physical battles against the enemies of Israel or his own personal spiritual battles against Satan) was dependent upon the strength of God and the will of God for victory. When his own son was trying to kill him to take his throne, he said not to harm Absalom because if it was God’s will, he would give him the victory. In fact, often when faced with possible retaliation toward those doing him wrong, he would tell his men to leave it to God to take care of it.

O Lord God, give me the faith and commitment of David your servant. Help me be able to put you first in all things. Help me trust you when things go bad in my life and when things seem unfair. Keep me from ever trying to take glory for myself but rather do only that which will glorify your name above all names. Forgive me when I fail. Give me greater wisdom to understand your will and strength to live it each day. Please be with the leaders of the nations of the world that we may have peace and be more aligned to your will. I pray in the name of Jesus.
