Daily Devotionals

Daily Devotionals

Daily Devotional: Psalms 105:37-41

Psalms 105:37-41

37 He brought out Israel, laden with silver and gold, and from among their tribes no one faltered. 38 Egypt was glad when they left, because dread of Israel had fallen on them. 39 He spread out a cloud as a covering, and a fire to give light at night. 40 They asked, and he brought them quail and satisfied them with the bread of heaven. 41 He opened the rock, and water gushed out; like a river it flowed in the desert.

After Egypt had been destroyed by the plagues, Pharaoh was still stubbornly refusing to let Israel leave the land. Finally God brought the last plague, killing all of the firstborn males in Egypt, from the house of Pharaoh down to the lowest citizen in the land. At this point, Pharaoh acknowledged the power of God and demanded that Israel leave. Since God knew this would happen, he had told the people to “borrow” all the gold and silver they could from their Egyptian neighbors and thus pillaged them in their departure.

We know that Pharaoh changed his mind, pursued Israel and his army was destroyed in the Red Sea. Again, as a part of the plan of God, the many nations which awaited Israel in their journey heard about all of this and most of them left Israel alone as they traveled toward Canaan. Even forty years later as the spies went into Jericho, Rahab recalled what had happened in Egypt to explain her faith in God. God’s power had been clearly demonstrated to the world.

We serve the same God today and he is just as powerful and active in our time and in our lives as he was then. We may not talk with him the same way Moses and Aaron were allowed to do but we can know his will and know he listens to our pleas, requests and thanksgivings. When we don’t know which way to go, we can rest assured that God is with us and will lead us if we will follow.

His divine providence is still at work in our lives which means he is constantly weaving our future opportunities around our future trials. He knows our mistakes before we make them and has already opened the door of escape from sin. We need to just trust him and follow his will in every way. When we do this, he will lead us to that new Canaan he has promised to his children.

O God, Father of all, I thank you for your love shown to me in Jesus. I thank you for devising a plan for my forgiveness and for making it known to me. Thank you for all the many Christians you have put in my life over the years that have shown me how to live, encouraged me when I was down and helped me know how to love others as you love me. Continue to mold me into your image and thus prepare me to live with you in eternity. Use me to help others serve you and find peace in their lives in doing so. I pray in the name of Jesus.
