Daily Devotionals

Daily Devotionals

Daily Devotional: Psalms 13:1-6

Ps 13:1-6

1 How long, O LORD? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? 2 How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me? 3 Look on me and answer, O LORD my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death; 4 my enemy will say, "I have overcome him," and my foes will rejoice when I fall. 5 But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. 6 I will sing to the LORD, for he has been good to me.

2 Peter 1:2-4

2 Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. 3 His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 4 Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

We live in a world of uncertainty. It seems that some of the most unlikely things that could happen, actually do happen. Just when we think we have our lives in order and everything under control, something changes and all has our security has gone awash. We plan for the future, we save and invest and then the market dives and we lose a great part of what we had. Just this past week I heard of a family who saved and finally bought a new house and very shortly after moving in, it burned to the ground. I once bought a new car and then wrecked it. And the list goes on whether it is our health, our relationships or jobs or whatever, life is filled with uncertainty and unexpected changes.

But the good news is that God is in control. Even though we may not see it at the time or understand why, he takes whatever happens and uses it for the good of those who love him and who are called according to his purpose. Through Jesus we have the divine power to overcome all that we may face in life and to become partakers of the divine nature. Let us sing to the Lord for he is good to us.

O Lord God, creator and giver of life, I do trust you in all things. I see so much that distresses me and I face things that fill my heart with anger and even doubt. Help me be strong and have greater faith in you. Thank you for the power to overcome all that I face in life; give me wisdom to see your way and to take it. Lead me to one lost person today and show me what to say to share your salvation with them. Help me re-order my priorities so that you are first in all things in my life. Please be with those who are suffering and struggling. Give them relief, peace and healing as your see best. I pray in the name of Jesus my redeemer.
