Daily Devotionals

Daily Devotionals

Thanksgiving Day Prayer

Ps 67:1-7

1 May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, Selah 

2 that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. 3 May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise you. 4 May the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you rule the peoples justly and guide the nations of the earth. Selah 5 May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise you. 6 Then the land will yield its harvest, and God, our God, will bless us. 7 God will bless us, and all the ends of the earth will fear him.

O God, I thank you for this nation in which I live. I thank you for the freedoms, the affluence and the many opportunities to better myself and my family. Thank you for those who have fought for my freedom and have helped to make this country great. Never has there been a time when we needed your blessings and your control more than we do today.

We face a great moral challenge as we see so many who refuse to honor you, your name and your word. We have those in leadership who advocate all kinds of immorality and ungodliness. Please be merciful to them and give them wisdom to see the error of their ways and touch their hearts that they will come to you and follow your will. Help those of us who honor you and serve you to be strong in our conviction, firm in our faith and loving in our spirit.

We know that even today you are in charge of all the nations and only what you allow can be done. As we face the great dangers of those who seek harm to so much of the free world, please guide us as a nation. Give the various leaders of the world wisdom to find peace if possible. If war is inevitable, we ask that it be as short as possible to accomplish your will.

Thank you for my physical family. Thank you for my spiritual family also. Give me wisdom to lead my family in your way. Help me as a teacher of your word to be able to always teach the truth and to do it in a spirit of love and to be motivated only by a genuine concern for others. Give me strength to show others Jesus in my life as I am filled with joy and peace. Help me not be selfish but to put the interests of others ahead of my own.

Thank you for your wonderful love shown in your grace. Thank you for Jesus who died for me so that I might live with you. Thank you for all the spiritual blessings in Jesus. Empower me and mold me to be more like you to bring glory to you.

I thank you for my health. Keep me from complaining about the normal aches and pains that come with aging. Give me wisdom to take care of myself. Please bless those who are sick, taking treatments, getting over surgery and those who are hurting or filled with grief. I pray in the name of Jesus my Lord and Savior.
